Active Care

Active Care Staff come from a wide range
of backgrounds including Human Services, Psychology, Choice Theory and from various Youth programs.

Combining experience with education and ongoing training allows staff to meet a range of individual client needs. Other support and pertinent information required to care for those in need is available through our network of affiliates. Monthly client progress reports and quarterly reviews of support workers are in place as we strive to provide premium care for our clients.

Our staff will work towards the following goals:


Analyze Problems by collecting data to
identify needs.

Plan & Implement programs to enhance skills
& provide a better quality of life to those
experiencing limitations or challenges.

Work directly with client’s family,
care provider and/or support network to provide
appropriate care, information, and education.

Active Care Support Services Activities

Therapy Options

A variety of therapy options can be implemented based upon client interests.
Simply developing new hobbies or picking up on old ones can build self-esteem.

Personal Support:

Since our clients come to us with a wide variety
of needs, we are available to provide personal
support in numerous ways: Homemaking, meal
preparation, hygiene, budgeting, parenting, diet
& exercise, are but a few that many of us take
for granted. Active Care is also there for crisis
intervention, stress management, companionship,
public health & safety.

Employment Counseling:

Employment may be an achievable goal for
many clients while others may be comfortable
in a volunteer role. Either way, Active Care will
assist in making those goals a reality. In some
cases, on the job support may be an option.

It is important that family support services be provided in a methodical manner with the clients’ progress and observational data tracked and measured. Individual reassessments will be done as necessary assuring that each client receives all possible advantages available to them. Further to this, proper human resources are key when providing this type of service.